Benefits of Each Cultured Food
The many things cultures Can Do

Nothing has influenced and changed my body and life more than cultured foods. I've done many studies on myself and my family and, hands down, fermented foods are here to stay in my life. They create such wellness for me and mine that there is no way I'm going back to my previous life without them. Diabetes, high blood pressure, food allergies, and IBS are just a few of the things we no longer struggle with, and the benefits we've received by and large are so huge we will never stop eating them.
A study was done in 2021 at Stanford School of Medicine on fermented foods versus high fiber diets. It has rocked what scientists thought they knew about foods - especially fermented foods. Inflammatory proteins decreased in those consuming fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, fermented cottage cheese, kimchi and other fermented vegetables, vegetable brine drinks, and kombucha tea. Those on the high fiber diet were eating fruits and vegetables, legumes, seeds, whole grains, and nuts but did not have any of the nineteen inflammatory proteins decrease. Their microbiome diversity for the most part stayed the same and did not increase like the fermented food group.
Those participants eating fermented foods had four types of immune cells that showed less activation, and they also experienced a decrease in nineteen inflammatory protein levels measured in blood samples. One of these proteins, interleukin 6, has been linked to conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, Type 2 diabetes, and chronic stress.
My family and I have witnessed these effects and more, and since fermented foods can create such wellness, let me help you understand what each cultured food can do.
Kefir was my first cultured food. It brought wellness to my life and to my whole family. I am so thankful for the pain that sent me looking for answers to the wellness I was seeking. Kefir has the highest number of probiotics of any cultured food - over 50 bacteria and good yeasts. It's been so life changing and I can't say enough about it.
Check out the types of bacteria and good yeasts in kefir
Click to view the types
Here are some of the things that kefir may do for you. I have personally experienced these and witnessed these from the countless emails and those who post on my Lives Touched Page.
Kefir can help in the following ways:
- Lower blood pressure in 1 out of 3 people
- Help lower cholesterol
- Have a calming effect on the central nervous system
- Detox and remove harmful substances
- Reduce inflammation
- Lower blood sugar
- Help with acid reflux
- Feed Bifidobacteria
- Help with Allergies
We have recently introduced some new yogurts that have kind of rocked my world. I have always been a kefir girl; but since there are specific strains of bacteria that aren't in kefir, these special cultures filled the gap and what a difference they have made. Making your own yogurt is far superior to store bought yogurts that often sit on store shelves and diminsh bacterial counts. In addition, they can be full of additives, fillers, and stabilizers. Making your own will insure that you get high CFU counts and the specific strains you're looking for without all the extra sugars and additives that your body doesn't need.
Three Yogurts
We're going to talk about three different yogurts that do different things.
Yogurt Plus
Yogurt Plus contains the all-important Bifidobacteria. It is one of the most important bacteria you have. It is the one your mother gave you at birth. Bifidobacteria become the predominant (95%) microorganism in the intestine within a week after birth. Yogurt Plus also contains Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii - subsp. bulgaricus bacteria, in perfect symbiosis. Studies have shown that Streptococcus thermophilus and Bifidobacterium longum work on anxiety- and depression-like behaviors. It decreased the level of harmful bacteria, increased brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and reduced the level of tumor necrosis factor-α in the hippocampus
Check out some of the health benefits of Yogurt Plus:
- Bifidobacteria feed all the other bacteria in your gut.
- Help with food allergies by restoring missing bacteria
- Help with anxiety and depression
- Help decrease obesity and increase insulin sensitivity
- Help with irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease
Click for the info and research
You can make Yogurt Plus in all kinds of ways with different kinds of milk and even cultured sour cream.
Lactobacillus Reuteri Superfood Yogurt
L. Reuteri has some powerful health benefits. Most people are missing L. reuteri which is a very important bacteria. If you have had even one antibiotic it is gone. Everybody, including animals, should have specific strains of L. reuteri. Since it is very hard to acquire in supplement form and it lives in the upper gastrointestinal area, making this cultured yogurt is the best way to get more L. reuteri. It can make a huge difference in your life and I highly recommend it. Here are some things that only L. reuteri can do. I've had so many people contact me that have finally rid themselves of SIBO, are having deep sleep, profound feelings of wellness, increased muscle growth, and much more.
Check the benefits of L. reuteri
- Creates oxytocin, the "Love Hormone"
- Can help eliminate SIBO, IBS
- Can help control candida
- Improves skin
- Increases muscle growth and bone density
- Slenderness, and increased Insulin Sensitivity
- Can help with H. pylori
- Can help restore deep restful sleep
Lactobacillus Gasseri Yogurt
L. Gasseri is a very important microbe that lives in the genital, urinary, and digestive systems of the body. It also has the special ability to live in the upper gastrointestinal area similar to Lactobacillus reuteri. L. gasseri is also believed to offer other specific health benefits. It has been helping those with SIBO. In fact, we have developed a special SIBO yogurt that is made with L. reuteri and L. gasseri yogurt which seems to be quite effective.
Check out the benefits of L. gasseri
- Can help with SIBO (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
- Can help with the prevention of bacterial vaginosis
- Can help with peptic ulcers
- Can help with IBS and inflammatory bowel disease
- Can help with body weight and reducing fat accumulation.
Kombucha is a living health drink made by fermenting tea and sugar with the kombucha culture. It has been around for hundreds of years. If you are concerned that it is made with sugar, you needn’t be. The sugar is consumed by the culture leaving you with a delicious, tart drink. The result can taste like something between sparkling apple cider and champagne, depending on what kind of tea you use. It’s not what you would imagine fermented tea to taste like. Kombucha is an amazing drink.
Here are some of the benefits of kombucha
- Kombucha can assist the liver with detoxification
- Kombucha can help with kidney health
- Kombucha can help with allergies and pollutants
- Kombucha can help prevent joint damage by supporting the preservation of collagen.
- Kombucha can help alleviate constipation and diarrhea
- Kombucha has a powerful probiotic yeast called S. boulardii that binds pathogens and removes them.
- Kombucha has large amounts of B vitamins that may help with adrenal fatigue.
- Kombucha can have preventive effects on heart, weight, cholesterol, and blood glucose issues.
Cultured Vegetables
Cultured veggies amaze me. Just this morning, my stomach was bothering me and I felt nauseous so I reached for a spoonful of the juice from cultured vegetables, and within 20 minutes I felt right as rain. The help they provide far surpasses anything I would expect vegetables to do. My everyday life is made better by eating a spoonful of these amazing vegetables. We keep a jar in our fridge at all times.
The superstar bacteria in cultured vegetables, L. plantarum, is extremely hardy, survives stomach acid with ease, and can make the full trip from your mouth – to intestines – to colon to colonize you in a powerful way. L. plantarum is a welcome guest that works mightily for you by fiercely attacking pathogenic (bad) bacteria in your body. It will strengthen your good bacteria by killing the bad guys. It helps your own good bacteria grow stronger, and helps it to be more resistant to future invasions of pathogens. It’s important to note that this is a transient bacteria which means it will only last a few days in the body so it’s important to consume it often.
Six strains of bacteria in fermented vegetables
There are six species of lactic acid producing bacteria that may be naturally and actively present in vegetable fermentations:
- mesenteroides
- Pediococcus pentosaceus
- Pediococcus acidilactici
- Lactobacillus brevis
- Lactobacillus plantarum
- Lactobacillus pentosus.
Here are some of the things that cultured veggies can do.
- Removes pesticides
- Adds vitamins and minerals
- Can help stomach distress of any kind
- Can help with cancer prevention
- Strengthens the good bacteria and kills harmful pathogens
- Cholesterol-lowering activity
- Safest and best food method to preserve vegetables
- Anti-aging properties
Kefir Soda
Our new Kefir Soda Starter is a great way to get a bubbly, fizzy drink with lots of probiotics and without all the sugar or artificial sweeteners. Cutting Edge Cultures hand-picked the bacteria and good yeasts for this starter to make a powerful probiotic drink. The juices or sugar in this drink are needed as food for the microbes. The good news is that per our testing, the sugars are reduced by at least 85% or more. This loads this drink with billions of probiotics.
Check out all the different benefits.
Bifidobacterium longum has long been regarded as one of the most beneficial members of the human gut microbiome. Lower levels of this beneficial bacteria have been shown in obese and diabetic individuals and in individuals taking antibiotics. Those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease have also shown lower levels of bifidobacteria as well. B. longum also helps work on anxiety- and depression-like behaviors. B. longum can inhibit inflammation by regulating the balance of the immune system. It can improve intestinal barrier function.
Saccharomyces boulardii is my favorite probiotic yeast. Not only will it make this soda super bubbly, but it also has a lot of health benefits. And, it can't be killed by antibiotics. When S. boulardii is present, it inhibits toxins from binding to intestinal receptors and steals the metabolites it needs to survive. Thus many pathogens pass out of the body unable to survive in the presence of this powerful probiotic. They even found that other pathogen strains like E. coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and S. typhi adhere to the surface of S. boulardii, thus preventing them from attaching to the mucosal lining and passing through the body rendering them harmless.
Lactobacillus delbrueckii can help the body break down food, absorb nutrients, and fight off bad organisms that might cause disease. It has been used to aid digestion, prevent diarrhea, and relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
Leuconostoc mesenteroides can inhibit the growth of pathogens and also prevent Avian influenza and H1N1.
Listen To My Podcast
Nothing has influenced and changed my body and life more than cultured foods. Each food has different strains and gives different health benefits. I thought I would lay it out for you which ones bring the health benefits you are seeking. Tune in to learn more.
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