Water Kefir or Kefir Soda? Two Different Ways to Make Probiotic Soda
Which Is Better?
Kefir Soda Versus Water Kefir
I love kefir soda, but this is a slightly different process from making water kefir that is made with water kefir crystals. When you make water kefir with crystals, you make your first ferment and then you ferment it again to flavor it. This is a two-step process, and you'll need to feed and care for your water kefir crystals to keep them healthy and thriving. And while I think this is a wonderful way to have a refreshing probiotic drink, I have other methods that are far easier and only have one step. Not only that, but each bottle will make you unlimited bottles by using a portion of the first bottle (1/3 cup) to make the next bottle. It will go on forever if you do it on a regular basis. Once you make your first bottle, it will culture super fast - in less than a day. It's kind of amazing just how much kefir soda you can make from just one starter bottle.
Two ways to make kefir soda
The difference is in the culture you use to make the sodas. Kefir soda can be made using either kefir soda starter powder packages or using kefir whey from milk kefir. Getting kefir whey from your kefir is very easy and we have step-by-step instructions.
Do not use Easy Kefir to make kefir soda. The Easy Kefir culture is different and meant to be used with milk or nut milk or coconut water kefir. It has too many good bacteria versus the good yeasts that you'll need to make your soda bubbly.
Both methods are fun, easy, bubbly, and delicious. However, they’re not dairy-free. Both methods still use a culture from milk kefir, which has a small amount of dairy in it. If you’re wanting to make a dairy-free drink, you should try making water kefir.
Find The One That Suits You
There are probiotics in both water kefir and kefir soda. They are so much better for you than any storebought sodas, be it diet or those filled with high fructose corn syrup. These store-bought sodas can cause a host of problems such as skin rashes due to brominated vegetable oil (BVO), brain fog headache, memory loss, [1] and metabolic syndrome.
Did you know that you're 67% more likely to get diabetes if you drink one diet soda a day? Diet sodas negatively affect gut bacteria, insulin secretion, and sensitivity. They also cause blood sugar levels to spike when a person eats carbohydrates, increasing waist circumference and body fat. This can make insulin sensitivity and blood sugar management worse.[2]
Contrast this with fermented probiotic sodas, which increase good gut flora and also contain very little sugar since the microbes consume most of the sugar. These sodas promote health and good gut flora and you can taste and feel the difference between them
Important! Pop The Tops Every Day
Make sure you use bottles such as Grolsch or thick glass bottles made for beer or brewing. Old GT's synergy kombucha bottles will work too. Bottles bought at craft stores can explode.
Then while fermenting, check them every day by popping the top. After fermentation and they're in the fridge, pop the top every day to release the pressure. These can get a lot of pressure and are super bubbly. You'll want to check them often to release the pressure.
Kefir Soda
1st Method — Kefir Whey
- 1½ cups fruit juice (fresh, frozen, or bottled)
- ½ cup Kefir Whey
- 2 cups water – Lightly filtered or spring water
- Add the Kefir Whey to the juice in a glass bowl and stir until dissolved.
Fill the rest of the bottle with water leaving an inch of room at the top.
Allow it to ferment for 2-5 days or until bubbly and fizzy. If your home is 75°F or warmer, it will usually take 3-4 days. Colder homes can take a week or longer, but you'll need to check it by popping the top and seeing if it's getting fizzy. It will start to bubble out the top when it's ready.
When it's done, place it in the fridge right away. You can pour in a glass and enjoy right away, but keep it stored in the fridge or it will explode. Open the bottle often to release pressure. Consume within 1-2 weeks for the best flavor and most benefit.
You can use 1/2 cup of this finished kefir soda as a starter to make a new bottle. Add the other ingredients and ferment again. It should only take a half to a full day to ferment. As you continue using the finished kefir soda as a starter, it ferments faster and you can make many bottles over and over again! Check it often to release the pressure!

2nd Method — Starter Culture
- 2 cups juice (fresh, frozen, or bottled )
- 1 packet Kefir Soda Starter
- 2 cups water – Lightly filtered or spring
Add the juice to a glass measuring cup and then add the Kefir Soda Starter powder. Mix well until powder is dissolved, then place in a 32-ounce bottle made for brewing. (Make sure you use bottles such as Grolsch or thick glass bottles made for beer. Bottles bought at craft stores can explode.)
Fill the rest of the bottle with water leaving an inch of room at the top.
Allow it to ferment for 3-5 days or until bubbly and fizzy. If your home is 75°F or warmer, it will usually take 3-4 days. Colder homes can take 5 days to a week or longer but you'll need to check it by popping the top and seeing if it's getting fizzy. It will start to bubble out the top when it's ready.
When it's done, place it in the fridge right away. You can pour into a glass and enjoy right away but keep it stored in the refrigerator or it will explode. Open the bottle often to release pressure. Consume within 1-2 weeks for the best flavor and most benefit.
You can use 1/2 cup of this finished kefir soda as a starter to make a new bottle. Add the other ingredients and ferment again. It should only take a half to a full day to ferment. As you continue using the finished kefir soda as a starter, it ferments faster and you can make many bottles over and over again! Check it often to release the pressure!

Water Kefir
If you like to make soda with water kefir crystals check out these links.
It will show you how to do the 1st ferment and the 2nd ferment and then more ideas and recipes that you can use to make lots of water kefir.
How To 2nd Ferment Water Kefir
8 Ways to 2nd Ferment Water Kefir
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/bvo/faq-20058236
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/310909
Listen To My Podcast
I have a fun and easy way to make kefir soda that does not involve using water kefir crystals. You only need 3 ingredients and a thick glass bottle made for brewing and you'll be making lots of kefir soda and really fast. Once you get your first bottle made you can make subsequent bottles in less than a day. There are billions of probiotics in kefir soda and it's so much better for you than any storebought sodas that can ruin your health. Listen and give it a try you'll be glad you did!
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