How To Second Ferment Your Water Kefir

Water kefir is popping up everywhere. It thrills me to see it offered in grocery stores, restaurants, and even coffee and tea rooms. It has been a dream of mine for two decades that one day this fermented probiotic beverage would start showing up in places as an alternative to soda pop. I have learned a lot on this fermented journey of mine. Nobody I knew was making fermented foods in 2001 and many people said I was crazy. "You're fermenting foods on your counter without refrigeration, are you nuts?!" But I witnessed the health benefits and it was undeniable to me what was happening with these probiotic foods and nobody could convince me otherwise. My own body had shown me the evidence and there was no turning back. Then my family and friends started reaping the benefits and it grew and grew very organically. I would lay in bed at night and dream about a world filled with probiotic foods and researchers finding health benefits, and then it would be a whole new world. So now this is coming to fruition and it is a thrill to behold. I just had to keep believing and spreading the good news. Cultured probiotic foods are what the body loves and thrives on. Combine this with prebiotic foods and watch your gut flora flourish. Second fermenting your water kefir is a way to get the most from your water kefir. It gives those hungry microbes more food!
Water kefir is different from milk kefir but does have a few of the same strains of good bacteria. While milk kefir has over 50+ probiotics, Water Kefir has about 15+ and is a fantastic way to get probiotics into your gut. People love the taste and especially kids and picky eaters. Loaded with good yeasts and good bacteria, you'll love the naturally-occurring, bubbly carbonation. This is one of my favorite things about water kefir and kombucha. The good yeasts eat the sugars out of the brew and turn it into bubbles that will surprise and delight you. To get the most bubbly drink, second fermenting your kefir is really important. After you make your Basic Water Kefir you add fruit or juices and give the culture more food to consume and convert into even more probiotics. This makes it extra bubbly.
Here is How to second Ferment Your Water Kefir

Ingredients - 16 ounces
14 ounces Basic Water Kefir
2-4 ounces fruit juice - fresh, bottled, or canned. Fresh squeezed juice ferments more rapidly.

Add the 2-4 ounces of juice to a 16-ounce bottle. (Make sure it is a good bottle made for fermenting.)

Pour just under 14 ounces of Water Kefir into the bottle.

Leave a small amount of room (about 1 inch) at the top.

Let sit on a counter for one to three days. Check it often by opening it to see if it is bubbly.

Drink or refrigerate within 1 week for maximum probiotic benefit and taste!
Here is a link if you would like a printable recipe card.
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