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V-STACK was made using our Proprietary Cellular Absorption System that has revolutionized the supplement industry and human health. When it comes to immune boosting results it’s not about how much nutrients you eat, it’s about how much of those nutrients actually make it into your cells. For instance, 5000 -10,000 iu’s of vitamin D3 is recommended daily if you eat it in pill form. V-STACK has 166 micrograms per serving which is equivalent to 10,000 iu’s of D3 if eaten because the super tiny particles of D3 in V-STACK go through the mucous membrane in your mouth, into the bloodstream and directly into the cell. The process to do this is expensive but you need less which allows you to STACK more types of nutrients together, make it more powerful and save money. It also simplifies the buying process because you no longer need to order from multiple places and take handfuls of pills everyday. On top of that we always use 100% naturally occurring sources from nature, not cheap acid based synthetic versions made in a laboratory. This is another BREAKTHROUGH product we are proud of that helps working people boost their immune system bigtime and defend their health!

Ingredients and Science

V-STACK™ is a daily immune system-supporting formula for helping you maintain optimal health in a current society that seems to be threatened from many sides with ill health scenarios.

V-STACK™ is a Public Service food supplement product with ingredients known to protect immune function. As a daily intake product V-STACK™ can help to protect anyone from the threats of health conditions said to be circulating in our global society that may lower your immune functions.

We created this product to serve your individual health and Public Health. Even though V-STACK™ is a commercial product, we are dedicated to Public Health Service and will be contributing a percentage of all revenues received from sales to Public Charitable Organizations focused on human health and freedom.

Taking a daily food supplement for general health assurance and prevention is a wise way to approach long-term preventive health maintenance. This is especially true with V-STACK™ which has proven immune-supporting ingredients delivered by a combination of our proprietary delivery system which produces a more highly efficient and exceptionally bioavailable liquid nutrition base of ingredients along with our synergistic ingredient formulation that brings you a matchless and potent naturally occurring synergy formulation.

Here are the naturally occurring ingredients found in our V-STACK™ product and their benefits:

Vitamin C:

We use only naturally occurring vitamin C. Our fruit source Vitamin C is from Camu Camu, a South American whole fruit berry source.

Unlike most companies that use Ascorbic acid which they call “Vitamin C” we do not. Actually, Ascorbic acid is NOT Vitamin C at all. It is only a part of the whole Vitamin C and is like the antioxidant “wrapper” as found in Real Vitamin C. In fact, Ascorbic acid is man-made normally from corn sugar which was artificially made from corn starch in an artificial manner. The initial corn material used in this process is normally GMO which means the resulting ascorbic acid made from corn is GMO. This artificial ascorbic acid has nothing to do with a normal naturally occurring source of vitamin C like the whole vitamin C as found naturally occurring, for example, in oranges, limes, lemons, Camu Camu, Amla berries, Rosehips or Acerola cherries, for example.

Ascorbic acid is Fake vitamin C because it is made synthetically by man and not nature. Also, it does not contain the whole vitamin C complex that naturally occurring vitamin C does. For example, in whole, naturally occurring vitamin C sources you will always find bioflavonoids along with the naturally occurring ascorbic acid parts and also other supporting compounds such as ellagic acid along with other factors, known and unknown that are necessary for the vitamin C to function optimally in the body as a whole vitamin.

Fake, man-made vitamins are not the same as those produced by nature for your good health. In fact, Fake vitamins, like drugs, will have toxic side effects over time.

Vitamin C has been known for centuries to support immune health and good general health.
One of the first uses of vitamin C for the prevention of low immune system conditions and general health was illustrated in the British Navy over 300 years ago. At that time a Navy physician noticed when limes and sugar were mixed into a syrup and carried on board the ship and the sailors were dosed with the syrup they did not develop scurvy or spontaneous infections. This procedure was eventually applied to all sailors on British Navel ships who took doses of the syrup and the great danger of scurvy, a horrible death-causing disease, was essentially eliminated. Before this syrup came into common use in the British Navy they had lost more men to scurvy (a vitamin C deficiency disease) than all of their Naval wartime casualties.

  1. Can reduce your risk of chronic disease.
    Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can strengthen your body’s natural defenses.
    Antioxidants are molecules that boost the immune system. They do so by protecting cells from harmful molecules called free radicals.
    When free radicals accumulate, they can promote a state known as oxidative stress, which has been linked to many chronic diseases.
    Studies show that consuming more vitamin C can increase your blood antioxidant levels by up to 30%. This helps the body’s natural defenses fight inflammation.
  2. May help manage high blood pressure.
    Approximately one-third of American adults have high blood pressure.
    High blood pressure puts you at risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death globally (7Trusted Source).
    Studies have shown that vitamin C may help lower blood pressure in both those with and without high blood pressure.
    An animal study found that taking a vitamin C supplement helped relax the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart, which helped reduce blood pressure levels.
    Moreover, an analysis of 29 human studies found that taking a vitamin C supplement reduced systolic blood pressure (the upper value) by 3.8 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure (the lower value) by 1.5 mmHg, on average, in healthy adults.
    In adults with high blood pressure, vitamin C supplements reduced systolic blood pressure by 4.9 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 1.7 mmHg, on average (9Trusted Source).
  3. May lower your risk of heart disease.
    Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.
    Many factors increase the risk of heart disease, including high blood pressure, high triglyceride or LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, and low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.
    Vitamin C may help reduce these risk factors, which may reduce heart disease risk.
    For example, an analysis of 9 studies with a combined 293,172 participants found that after 10 years, people who took at least 700 mg of vitamin C daily had a 25% lower risk of heart disease than those who did not take a vitamin C supplement.
    Another analysis of 13 studies looked at the effects of taking at least 500 mg of vitamin C daily on risk factors for heart disease, such as blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
    The analysis found that taking a vitamin C supplement significantly reduced LDL (bad) cholesterol by approximately 7.9 mg/dL and blood triglycerides by 20.1 mg/dL (12Trusted Source).
  4. May reduce blood uric acid levels and help prevent gout attacks.
    Gout is a type of arthritis that affects approximately 4% of American adults.
    Gout symptoms appear when there is too much uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is a waste product produced by the body. At high levels, it may crystallize and deposit in the joints.
    Interestingly, several studies have shown that vitamin C may help reduce uric acid in the blood and, as a result, protect against gout attacks.
    For example, a study including 1,387 men found that those who consumed the most vitamin C had significantly lower blood levels of uric acid than those who consumed the least.
    Additionally, an analysis of 13 studies found that taking a vitamin C supplement over 30 days significantly reduced blood uric acid, compared with a placebo.
  5. Helps prevent iron deficiency
    Iron is an important nutrient that has a variety of functions in the body. It’s essential for making red blood cells and transporting oxygen throughout the body.
    Vitamin C supplements can help improve the absorption of iron from the diet. Vitamin C assists in converting iron that is poorly absorbed, such as plant-based sources of iron, into a form that is easier to absorb.
    In one study, 65 children with mild iron deficiency anemia were given a vitamin C supplement. Researchers found that the supplement alone helped control their anemia (20Trusted Source).
  6. Supports immunity.
    One of the main reasons people take vitamin C supplements is to boost their immunity, as vitamin C is involved in many functions of the immune system.
    First, vitamin C helps encourage the production of white blood cells known as lymphocytes and phagocytes, which help protect the body against infection.
    Second, vitamin C helps these white blood cells function more effectively while protecting them from damage by potentially harmful molecules, such as free radicals.
    Third, vitamin C is an essential part of the skin’s defense system. It’s actively transported to the skin, where it can act as an antioxidant and help strengthen the skin’s barriers and improve skin health.
    Studies have shown that taking vitamin C may shorten wound healing time.
    People who have contracted pneumonia tend to have lower vitamin C levels, and vitamin C has been shown to shorten the recovery time.
  7. Protects your memory and mental functions as you age.
    Dementia is a broad term used to describe symptoms of poor thinking and memory.
    It affects over 35 million people worldwide and typically occurs among older adults.
    Studies suggest that oxidative stress and inflammation near the brain, spine, and nerves (altogether known as the central nervous system) can increase the risk of dementia.
    Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant. Low levels of this vitamin have been linked to an impaired ability to think and remember.
    Several studies have shown that people with dementia may have lower blood levels of vitamin C. [1-34]

Vitamin A

We use only naturally occurring vitamin A (Beta-carotene) as found in naturally occurring, Non-GMO carrots.
There are many artificial, chemically manipulated, and Fake vitamin A sources that we avoid using as ingredients for our food supplements.

Vitamin A Palmitate is a very popular vitamin A material and is used by many companies for food supplements.
The source of vitamin A Palmitate starts with the ”hearts” or inner trunk of the Palm Oil tree. There is no ancient traditional use of this tree for eatable oil, just like there is no traditional use for canola oil, both of which have toxicology issues, and in our opinion, are not safe foods.

Due to the demand for more eatable oils, certain suspect vegetable oil sources have popped up and become a huge business.

Right now and for many years pristine rainforests have been cut down and burned in order to create room to plant palm oil tree farms. This practice is helping to destroy our beautiful earth and is another reason that we do not support the use of vitamin A Palmitate made from palm oil trees.

Here is a list of 5 benefits of using real vitamin A:

  1. Protects Your Eyes From Night Blindness and Age-Related DeclineVitamin A is essential for preserving your eyesight. Vitamin A is needed to convert the light that hits your eye into an electrical signal that can be sent to your brain. In fact, one of the first symptoms of vitamin A deficiency can be night blindness, known as nyctalopia. In addition to preventing night blindness, eating adequate amounts of beta-carotene may help slow the decline in eyesight that some people experience as they age (4Trusted Source). An Age-Related Eye Disease Study found that giving people over the age of 50 with some eyesight degeneration an antioxidant supplement (including beta-carotene) reduced their risk of developing advanced macular degeneration by 25%.
  2. Supports a Healthy Immune SystemVitamin A plays a vital role in maintaining your body’s natural defenses. This includes the mucous barriers in your eyes, lungs, gut, and genitals which help trap bacteria and other infectious agents. It’s also involved in the production and function of white blood cells, which help capture and clear viruses, bacteria other pathogens from your bloodstream. This means that a deficiency in vitamin A can increase your susceptibility to infections and delay your recovery during an illness. Having enough vitamin A in your diet helps keep your immune system healthy and functioning optimally.
  3. Reduces Your Risk of AcneAcne is a chronic, inflammatory skin disorder. People with this condition develop painful spots and blackheads, most commonly on the face, back, and chest.
    Acne occurs when the sebaceous glands get clogged up with dead skin and oils. These glands are found in the hair follicles on your skin and produce sebum, an oily, waxy substance that keeps your skin lubricated and waterproof.
    Vitamin A deficiency may increase your risk of developing acne, as it causes an overproduction of the protein keratin in your hair follicles. This would increase your risk of acne by making it more difficult for dead skin cells to be removed from hair follicles, leading to blockages.
  4. Supports Bone HealthThe key nutrients needed for maintaining healthy bones as you age are protein, calcium, and vitamin D.However, eating enough vitamin A is also necessary for proper bone growth and development, and a deficiency in this vitamin has been linked to poor bone health. People with lower blood levels of vitamin A are at a higher risk of bone fractures than people with healthy levels. Animal studies examining the importance of vitamin A in male reproduction have shown that a deficiency blocks the development of sperm cells, causing infertility issues. [35-57]

Vitamin D3:

V-STACK™ contains only the finest vitamin D3 from a naturally occurring plant source.

It can be difficult to find a reliable and potent source of plant-based, naturally occurring D3. Our source of D3 is wild-crafted, Non-GMO Lichen from the shores of Iceland in the high Northern Atlantic region known for its pristine environment. This Lichen is naturally extracted for its high content of vitamin D3 and is an important ingredient in our formula.

D3 is a primary nutrient for your health especially for maintaining a strong immune system.

Vitamin D3 works in our immune systems in multiple ways. Here are some of the main ways that vitamin D3 helps to support the immune system:

  1. Vitamin D3 acts as an immune modulator. This means it helps boost immune function when needed and protects against unnecessary inflammatory responses.
  2. Vitamin D3 stimulates our immune cells’ production of proteins with antiviral properties. These cells (known as AMPs) are considered our immune system’s first line of defense.
  3. Vitamin D3 also helps activate T cells which are our immune system’s “soldier” cells that help identify and remove infectious pathogens.

Here is a list of 5 benefits of using real vitamin D3:

  1. Anti-Inflammatory
    A report that was published on Science Daily explaining a recent study that found adequate levels of vitamin D3 inhibit the body’s inflammatory response; thus reducing the risk of chronic inflammatory conditions and thereby also lowering the risk of developing diseases that may be caused by inflammation.
  2. Skin Care
    Vitamin D3 has numerous benefits for the skin. Firstly, it supports an anti-aging regimen by reducing the appearance of wrinkles and also making the skin stronger and softer. Since vitamin D has anti-inflammatory properties, it is also beneficial for reducing acne.
  3. Testosterone
    This particular section refers to a benefit of vitamin D3 for men. There have been a significant amount of studies performed to determine the benefits that this particular vitamin has for men, and it is often found that a low level of vitamin D3 is usually associated with a low testosterone level in men. For this reason, when vitamin D3 and testosterone levels are low, the supplementation of vitamin D3 may assist with increasing testosterone production. According to Anabolic Men, testosterone can be boosted by as much as 25% with proper supplementation of vitamin D3.
  4. Helps to defend against the onslaught of viral respiratory conditions.
    Each year, up to 20% of the entire American population gets the flu at least once. Flu also causes as many as 200,000 hospitalizations every year and as many as 49,000 people may die from a condition that is flu-related each year, as reported by WebMD. According to an Independent study conducted in the UK, taking a daily supplement of vitamin D3 can help people defend their bodies from the development of flu, as well as other types of respiratory infections.
  5. Supports the reduction of Depression.
    New evidence suggests vitamin D3 to be a potentially effective natural treatment option for depression, according to Healthline.
  6. Improves Calcium Absorption
    Calcium is one of the most important nutrient minerals required for good health. Approximately 99% of all calcium is found within the teeth and bones of the body. Calcium assists by supporting both the function and structure of bones. The National Institutes of Health explains that the remaining 1% of calcium assists with vasodilation, nerve transmission, hormone secretion, intracellular signaling, and muscle function. Vitamin D3 is known to be essential for calcium absorption as it helps the body more efficiently absorb calcium and distribute it throughout the body.
  7. Relieves Muscle Cramps
    Vitamin D3 deficiency may cause muscle weakness and muscle cramps. According to Livestrong, a low level of vitamin D may also cause tingling sensations and numbness, as well as muscle twitching.
  8. Improves Heart Health
    When heart health is not properly addressed, life-threatening diseases like heart failure can develop. The American College of Cardiology reports that recent studies found vitamin D3 to be essential in patients who have been diagnosed with heart conditions as D3 helps to improve overall cardiac function in these patients.
  9. Helps to maintain control of Insulin Response
    Type 2 diabetes affects millions of people around the world and can cause deadly health symptoms. Fortunately, scientific studies have found that adequate intake of vitamin D3 can assist with improving the way the body controls its insulin response and glucose regulation. [58-68]


We use a special form of naturally chelated form of Zinc for V-STACK™.

Chelation of minerals helps the absorption of the mineral into the body. Natural chelation of minerals is mostly done by attaching the mineral to an amino acid. We use only vegan, Non-GMO amino acids from plant sources to make our chelated Zinc.

Zinc is vital for the maintenance of our immune system functioning.

Zinc supports the natural destruction and removal of viral and bacterial pathogens in the body.

For example, Streptococcus pneumoniae is responsible for more than one million deaths a year, killing children, the elderly, and other vulnerable people by causing pneumonia, meningitis, and other serious infections.

Published in the journal Nature Chemical Biology, the researchers describe how zinc “jams shut” a protein transporter in the Streptococcus bacteria so that it cannot take up manganese, an essential mineral that Streptococcus pneumoniae needs to be able to invade and cause infection in humans.

Here are some of the benefits of Zinc supplementation.

  1. TestosteroneZinc helps to modulate testosterone levels and therefore plays a vital role in male fertility. One study demonstrated that after restricting the zinc intake of the participants for 5 months, supplementing with zinc had a significant impact on testosterone levels in the majority of participants.
  2. Hair LossYour hair is mainly comprised of 2 proteins called keratin and collagen. A deficiency in zinc has a negative impact on these proteins which can lead to your hair becoming weak and eventually thinning or balding.A zinc deficiency also leads to a reduction in sebum production which supports healthy hair follicles.
  3. ImmunityZinc helps to support immunity from viral and bacterial infections. There is also evidence that if you start supplementing Zinc after an infection that it can help hasten your recovery.
    Research published in 2013 by researchers revealed that if you start taking zinc within the first 24 hours of the onset of your cold, symptoms are significantly faster.
  4. AntioxidantLargely due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, zinc reduces the risk of developing many serious health conditions. Its role in supporting the healthy division of cells helps prevent the growth of tumors. Researchers in Michigan found that when zinc supplements were given to 50 elderly patients, oxidative stress was significantly reduced compared to those given a placebo. Those in the placebo group had raised inflammatory cytokine levels and other markers putting them at more risk of illness.
  5. Blood sugar balancing support. Zinc is necessary to balance many of the body’s hormones including the insulin responsible for regulating blood sugar. Zinc can benefit the level of blood sugar by binding to insulin allowing for it to be stored by the pancreas and released effectively.
  6. Heart health. Zinc can benefit the health of your heart in numerous ways. It reduces oxidative stress and inflammation and supports good circulation. It is also used as a treatment for high cholesterol, blood pressure, and clogged arteries.
  7. Liver health. Zinc can help reduce the risk of liver infection and liver damage. Its antioxidant properties help cleanse the liver and reduce inflammation. It also helps combat the damage done by free radicals and improves nutrient absorption which allows more efficient elimination of waste from the body.
  8. Muscular growth and repair. Zinc plays an important role in cell growth and division meaning it helps boost both muscle growth and repair following injury. It also helps the body maintain muscular and skeletal strength. Muscle mass is also boosted by the fact that zinc helps to stimulate the release of the hormone testosterone. [69-122]


Quercetin is a flavonoid that is found in many fruits and vegetables.

The Quercetin we use in V-STACK™ comes from a highly concentrated natural extract of the Sophora japonica flower. This is a naturally occurring and Non-GMO source of Quercetin rather than a synthesized version.

Quercetin offers respiratory support and support for the immune system.

Quercetin has been shown to stabilize the production of histamines in the body that prompt an allergic response.

Quercetin has also been shown to promote a healthy inflammatory response, which provides extra respiratory support, If taken consistently, quercetin can also help reduce the toxic free radicals that form in response to inflammation.

A respiratory reaction is our body’s response to what it perceives as an “invader”. It could be pollen, pet dander, dust, or other airborne agitators. The inflammatory response constricts the lung airways and may make it difficult to breathe. Quercetin supports lung health and immune system stimulation which is needed to help prevent or manage certain bacterial or viral infections.

Here are some of the main benefits of Quercetin.

  1. Lowers InflammationQuercetin is a key bioflavonoid with anti-inflammatory properties and acts as an antioxidants supporting the natural process of oxidation that takes place over time as we age. Quercetin can help stop damaging particles in the body known as free radicals, which negatively impact how cells work. It can also reduce the expression of inflammatory genes such as interleukin. Research shows that inflammation is a root cause of most diseases, including heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline, some mental disorders, and autoimmune disorders. At this time, practitioners and patients report using quercetin to effectively fight a variety of conditions related to inflammation, including:“Hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis)
    High cholesterol
    Heart disease and circulation problems
    Insulin resistance and diabetes
    Eye-related disorders, including cataracts
    Allergies, asthma, and hay fever
    Stomach ulcers
    Cognitive impairment
    Viral infections
    Chronic fatigue syndrome
    Inflammation of the prostate, bladder, and ovaries
    Chronic infections of the prostate
    Skin disorders, including dermatitis and hives
  2. Allergies Quercetin can act as a natural antihistamine and an anti-inflammatory for lowering the effects of seasonal and food allergies, plus asthma and skin reactions. Histamines are chemicals that are released when the immune system detects an allergy or sensitivity. Quercetin can help stabilize their release which results in decreased symptoms such as coughs, watery eyes, runny noses, hives, swollen lips or tongue, and indigestion. Quercetin has long been used in ancient Asian herbal formulas to block allergies to certain foods (such as peanuts). Studies conducted on mice suggest that it may be as effective at fighting allergies without side effects.
  3. Supports Heart health because of its ability to lower inflammation and oxidative stress, quercetin seems beneficial for people with heart and blood vessel-related disorders, according to a number of studies. For example, eating lots of deeply colored fruits and veggies that contain flavonoids is linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, and even death, in older adults. Quercetin has also been connected to reduced risk for type 2 diabetes and obesity, which have many of the same risk factors as heart disease.
  4. Helps Fight PainTaking quercetin supplements may help lower pain associated with arthritis, as well as infections, including those of the prostate and respiratory tract. That’s because studies suggest quercetin reduces inflammatory pain. For example, there’s some evidence from several studies that people experiencing bladder pains from infections have fewer symptoms when taking quercetin.
  5. Energy and EnduranceResearchers from the School of Applied Physiology at the Georgia Institute of Technology found that, on average, “quercetin provides a statistically significant benefit in human endurance exercise capacity (VO2 max) and endurance exercise performance.”Other studies show that quercetin helps increase immune function and prevents susceptibility to illnesses that can occur when someone trains intensely and experiences exhaustion.
  6. Helps Protect Skin HealthCapable of blocking “mast cells,” which are immune cells critical in triggering allergic reactions, inflammatory disease, and autoimmune disease, quercetin can help protect skin from the effects of disorders like dermatitis and photosensitivity. Flavonoids like quercetin block the release of many proinflammatory cytokines, such as IL-8 and TNF, which helps stop symptoms related to skin inflammation, even in people who don’t find relief from other conventional treatments or prescriptions.
  7. Protects Liver HealthRecent research has shown that quercetin has protective effects when administered to those with ethanol-induced acute liver injury. Researchers concluded that “quercetin, by multiple mechanisms interplay, demonstrates a hepatoprotective effect on liver injury induced by alcohol by increasing ethanol metabolizing enzyme activities.A 2017 study found evidence indicating that quercetin attenuates liver inflammation and fibrosis by inhibiting macrophage infiltration.
  8. Protects the BrainThere’s mounting evidence that quercetin offers neuroprotective benefits due to its ability to defend the brain against oxidation and inflammation, leading to potentially less risk for cognitive conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.A 2018 study concluded that “findings suggest a possible new protective role for dietary flavonoids on Alzheimer’s disease (AD).” The study found that quercetin helps ameliorate cognitive dysfunction and may help reduce the destruction of neurons. [123-204]

Mineral Pitch

Mineral Pitch is a traditional Asian herbal remedy used for general immune health for thousands of years.

For V-STACK™ we use only the best quality Mineral Pitch material that comes from the foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal.

Our Mineral Pitch is a naturally occurring plant source ingredient that is very mineral rich and also contains Fulvic and Humic acids.

Fulvic acid and Humic acids are necessary for good human health such as digestive and brain health. The problem is that these acids which are mainly from soil-based have been depleted from our soils due to conventional farming practices around the world for many years. Today we have very little Fulvic and Humic acids left in our soils and so we must supplement to get them.

Studies have shown that Fulvic acid can help to prevent “leaky gut” syndrome by supporting the tightness of the intestinal cells in the intestinal cell wall linings.

Here are some of the benefits of Mineral Pitch.

  1. Improves stamina. Mineral Pitch is considered a rejuvenating remedy in Asian medicine, helping revitalize the body, reduce ailments, and improve quality of life. Fulvic acid, a major component of Mineral Pitch, can ease fatigue and weakness and support immunity. One of the main bioactive components in Mineral Pitch is fulvic acid. It helps transport nutrients to the deep tissues and helps to expel toxins from the body. Studies have also found that Mineral Pitch can alleviate behavioral symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). A study showed that Mineral Pitch can help reverse oxidative damage to cell mitochondria seen in CFS. Mitochondria are involved in the production of energy in the body and Mineral Pitch may be able to protect their integrity and function.
  2. Supports hemoglobin levels and iron absorption. Mineral Pitch may be just what you need if iron deficiency or malabsorption is a problem you face. A study found that Mineral Pitch had anti-anemic activity, improving hemoglobin levels and red blood cell count and providing iron for iron-deficiency anemia.
  3. Protects bones and joints. Mineral Pitch is good for your bones and can be used to help fight conditions like osteoporosis. Studies confirm that it can improve the mechanical strength of bone tissue and bone weight. Its anti-inflammatory properties also make it beneficial for those with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis conditions.
  4. Supports pain relief. Mineral Pitch works as an analgesic, easing pain and other discomfort associated with inflammatory or other health conditions. In a study, the remedy showed potential in chronic pain management, helping reduce the intensity of pain in the subjects.
  5. Supports stress reduction. Mineral Pitch has adaptogenic properties to help reduce stress.
  6. Supports the immune response to microbial infections. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory action and ability to counter oxidative damage, Mineral Pitch hastens wound healing and can help heal gastric ulcers quicker. Studies show that it may work by reducing gastric acid secretion and pepsin levels. The antiviral properties of Mineral Pitch, courtesy of its component humic acid means it can be useful for some common viral infections. An in-vitro test found that it worked against the herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 and 2, as well as the human cytomegalovirus 32 (HCMV) and the human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Other research has noted its effectiveness against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria as well as Candida albicans fungi. Together, these pathogens are responsible for many digestive, skin, and respiratory infections.
  7. Heart protection: Mineral Pitch may work as a cardiotonic thanks to its antioxidant benefits. Studies confirm its ability to improve heart function and protect it from myocardial injuries. Mineral Pitch may also have a favorable impact on blood cholesterol levels, a risk factor in heart problems like atherosclerosis. In one study of healthy volunteers, taking Mineral Pitch for 45 days helped reduce triglyceride levels and improved HDL levels.
  8. Supports balanced blood sugar. Mineral Pitch has been shown to balance hyperglycemia and is used traditionally for blood sugar imbalances including diabetes. Mineral Pitch has gained attention is in its potential to help those with type 2 diabetes. In one study, Mineral Pitch helped significantly reduce blood glucose levels and improved the lipid profile of the diabetic test patients. In addition, when Mineral Pitch was administered with typical medication for diabetes like metformin, it helped enhance the glucose-lowering ability of the drugs.
  9. Supports the management of altitude sickness. Travel to high altitudes can sometimes affect the body adversely, causing headaches and lethargy. Mineral Pitch stimulates your immune system and helps you better cope with the stress of high altitudes both mentally and physically. It can also boost the ability of your blood to carry oxygen whilst also improving the blood circulation itself.[205-231]


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