Apple Rice Miso

White rice is one of the foods that are easiest on your stomach and especially after a bout of diarrhea or vomiting. Wild, brown, or black rice are all generally healthy but are harder to digest, especially on a stomach that's been upset. Starchy, low-fiber foods like white rice can help firm up your stool and stop diarrhea that can come along with stomach trouble. Apples are a rich source of pectin, and they are a prebiotic soluble fiber. Pectin does its thing by bypassing digestion in your small intestine and is then broken down by the friendly bacteria in your colon. It increases stool volume and is therefore commonly used to resolve constipation and diarrhea. I can vouch for this recipe since it was my son who came up with it when someone was experiencing stomach problems. It's delicious and also has chicken broth which is soothing to the digestive system, unlike many other foods that can be difficult to fully break down. Add a spoonful of miso and you'll have another powerful probiotic food that is one of the best detoxifiers.
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