Dear Donna,
My story starts about ten years ago while battling Lyme’s Disease. I was in the throes of raising our 7 children and needed to remain active, yet that was becoming impossible as each day passed. I realized that I needed to work on myself from the inside out….. NOT just treat symptoms, as the doctors kept trying to do. I started to research on my own and stumbled onto your website. My life changed that day for sure. I ordered some kefir grains, as we had milk goats at that time, and got to work. Changing my diet, adding the kefir, using a few other natural alternatives, I am in better health today then I was 30 years ago! We grow our own vegetables and fruits on our farm and I culture EVERYTHING now. I incorporate these cultures into everyday recipes which has been so much fun for me.
I have been asked to share my story with so many people, and have been asked to demonstrate the culturing process in small class settings. I just recently started a small business in Virginia, going into homes of those who are desperate to learn of a way to better health. I also do a Farm to Table class, in my home, which most folks walk away from as friends. It is so emotionally exciting to me when life is completely transformed as mine has been.
I cherish your podcasts and updates on the web. Your recipes are soooo amazing. I refer your website to everyone I meet! I appreciate all your hard work and effort to get the word out on gut health. It really is vital to life!
Blessings To You,
Jenny Murphy