Two years ago my son and I developed eczema shortly after he was born. I knew that it was somehow connected to the IV antibiotics I received while I was in labor with him since none of my other kids had antibiotics while I was in labor and they were eczema free. I had never had eczema before the iv antibiotics either. Doctors told me there was no cure for eczema and that the antibiotics couldn’t have given us eczema. My baby was covered from head to toe in horrible oozing eczema and I had to keep his hands covered 24/7 to keep him from scratching himself to the point of bleeding. I noticed that our eczema was worse when I ate anything with dairy or gluten in it. I begged God for wisdom and started reading and researching as much as I could. I started us both on probiotics and started drinking organic apple cider vinegar every day. When my son was old enough I started giving him apple cider vinegar too. Then I discovered sourdough and kefir. I no longer have eczema! It’s amazing! My son is almost eczema free and if he does have a flare-up, it’s not bad at all. Still working on getting his gut health restored. He LOVES his kefir. He asks for it at every meal and drinks it with only a little fruit from the second ferment. He knows he needs it. 🙂 Doctors still don’t believe me but it doesn’t matter. I know without a doubt that it healed us and that antibiotics were the root cause.
Thanks! Cassie
UPDATE!!! We just received this: ” I wanted to give you an update. I think my son was about two years old when I originally shared our story and he’s now five years old and has been eczema free for a few years now! He still loves kefir and now kombucha as well.”