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Kombucha UTI Buster (Cranberry)

WebMD reports that if you drink cranberry juice, within eight hours the levels of bad bacteria in the urinary tract decrease. Thus, cranberry juice could prevent an infection. If you are fighting a urinary tract infection, try this drink. The healing properties of cranberry plus the good bacteria of kombucha make for a powerful combination. You won't believe how fast it can work and how simple it is to prepare. I love this drink! It's simple to make and rich in taste.
Servings: 2 servings


  • ½ cup whole cranberries fresh or frozen, but I like frozen
  • 2 cups Kombucha plain or any flavor
  • ½ dropper Liquid Stevia optional


  • Place all the ingredients in a blender and process until well blended.
  • Serve immediately
